Posted by Community | 2022 Mar 07 15:09 -0500 GMT
With the latest Catch Up in Caledonia Event now over, the party continues in the Frontiers!
Please enjoy the return of the traveling merchants and the following RvR bonuses!
Traveling Merchants
The traveling merchants have made their return and now hawk their wares outside Castle Sauvage in Albion, Svasud Faste in Midgard, and Druim Ligen in Hibernia!
The merchants will remain until Tuesday, March 22nd.
Realm vs Realm Bonuses
On Ywain:
50% bonus to RPs from kills
50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
On Gaheris:
50% bonus to normal XP gain in all battlegrounds, classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
50% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Bonuses will last until Tuesday, March 22nd.
Posted by Community | 2022 Feb 10 09:45 -0500 GMT
Love is in the air as we celebrate the return of our Valentine's Day event and celebrate President's Day weekend with some RvR bonuses!
Valentine's event will run from Thursday, February 10th until Tuesday, February 15th.
Valentine's Day Event
A Matter of the Heart: This quest will give players of all realms the chance find the imp, Russel, located mainland side of Castle Sauvage/Druim Ligen/Svasud Faste. He's ready to offer some interesting tasks from the local imp's union in return for a Lawn Cupid trophy, experience and coin. Don't forget to speak to Lady Payne and earn your ROG Valentine's Ring or Bracer too!
Whitman will only continue to drop his One-Time-Drop Valentine's Day Present reward to characters who have not completed the quest: [OTD] Valentine's Day Present.
Keeping Company: This quest will be offered to characters level 45 and above and will have a unique challenge for players in Albion, Midgard and Hibernia. As a reward, players will receive a Tiny Compatriot Crate, experience and coin. Visit Lailen in Jordheim, Pondar Cully in Camelot, and Harris MacCullogh in Tir na Nog to start the quest.
Valentine's Traditions: These quests will offer three old style quests which were part of the original Dark Age of Camelot Valentine's Day content. Players will be able to complete the quest up to eight times, which is based on the number of times the original quest has been issued online. Players will be rewarded with a Hearts Cloak, Heart-Shaped Box, experience and coin. Visit Rumdor in Mag Mell, Hrolf in Mularn, or Sir Prescott in Camelot Hills to start the quest.
New Weekly RvR Quest
[Weekly] Love's Request: This new weekly quest introduces the joys of Valentine's Day to the frontiers. Visit Lady Idris in Catterick Hamlet, Fathor in Godrborg, or Yda Llonwy in Crair Treflan to pick up this new weekly quest that will send players to bring Valentine's wishes to the ruined mazes in the frontiers. Complete this quest for Bounty Points and Realm Points, and to bring the love of the season to some NPCs in dire need of it.
Upon the completion of the Valentine's Day event, this weekly quest will be replaced with [Weekly] The Heart Still Bleeds which will be available year-round.
RvR Bonuses
In honor of Valentine's day and President's Day next weekend, the following bonuses are active until Tuesday, February 22nd!
On Ywain:
50% bonus to RPs from kills
50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
On Gaheris:
50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
50% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Catch Up in Caledonia Event
Don't forget! Our Catch Up in Caledonia event will return on Monday, February 28th at 3PM EST / 9PM CET, and run until Monday, March 7th at 3PM EST / 9PM CET.
This event will follow the same format as our previous event with the following level caps in place for all characters, increasing as follows every 24 hours:
Day 1 (Monday): Level 19 maximum
Day 2 (Tuesday): Level 29
Day 3 (Wednesday): Level 39
Day 4 (Thursday) : Level 49
Days 5-7 (Fri-Mon): Level 50
Posted by Community | 2021 Dec 10 12:34 -0500 GMT
Welcome to the final Grab Bag of the year! Worry not, the Grab Bag will return after the new year! :)
Our Midwinter Event starts next Thursday, Dec 16th, with the return of the 12 Days of Midwinter on Dec 21st! Gifts or coal for you this year?!?!
Posted by Community | 2021 Nov 12 10:33 -0500 GMT
Time for another installment of the Grab Bag!
Hope you've all worked out what realm and characters you'll be playing in the last Caledonia event of the year, starting Monday, Nov 29th! :) I'm still thinking!!
Thanks, as always, to everyone for your questions! You can submit any questions relating to current development plans, to request clarification on basic game mechanic questions, or questions on community issues through the Grab Bag Submission form. For any other feedback or suggestions please use our feedback form.
Read on for the questions :)
Posted by Community | 2021 Nov 04 14:18 -0400 GMT
We've one more Caledonia to fit in as the year draws to a close!
Our Catch Up in Caledonia event will return on Monday, November 29th at 3PM EST / 9PM CET, and run until Monday, December 6th at 3PM EST / 9PM CET.
Posted by Community | 2021 Oct 29 12:42 -0400 GMT
Halloween is upon us and we look forward to seeing your costumes in RvR over the weekend (starting today!) and don't forget that the Halloween event and 20th Anniversary bonuses, merchants, and quests end this coming Tuesday, November 2nd!
Thanks, as always, to everyone for your questions! You can submit any questions relating to current development plans, to request clarification on basic game mechanic questions, or questions on community issues through the Grab Bag Submission form. For any other feedback or suggestions please use our feedback form.
Continue reading for the questions!
Posted by Community | 2021 Oct 15 11:25 -0400 GMT
It's time for another Grab Bag!
Lots of info out this week as we celebrate Dark Age of Camelot's 20th anniversary! Bonuses, merchants, new quests, new mounts, new cosmetics, and more! Our Halloween event also started yesterday and with everything ending November 2nd, make sure you don't miss out on anything :)
Thanks, as always, to everyone for your questions! You can submit any questions relating to current development plans, to request clarification on basic game mechanic questions, or questions on community issues through the Grab Bag Submission form. For any other feedback or suggestions please use our feedback form.
Continue reading for the questions!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2021 Oct 01 16:24 -0400 GMT
We have loads of content, news, updates, rewards, and more coming later this month in celebration of Dark Age of Camelot's 20th anniversary and we'd like to kick off the celebration with some fabulous RvR bonuses!
Anniversary bonuses will last from today until November 2nd, 2021.
On Ywain:
100% bonus to RPs gained from RvR kills
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons
On Gaheris:
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons
100% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Posted by Community | 2021 Oct 01 10:43 -0400 GMT
Anniversaries are always a time of celebration and this month Dark Age of Camelot celebrates our 20th anniversary! Look for notices throughout the month, and especially around the 10th, for news and details of how we're celebrating this amazing milestone :)
On with the Grab Bag!
Thanks, as always, to everyone for your questions! You can submit any questions relating to current development plans, to request clarification on basic game mechanic questions, or questions on community issues through the Grab Bag Submission form. For any other feedback or suggestions please use our feedback form.
Continue reading for the questions :)
Posted by Community | 2021 Sep 17 11:11 -0400 GMT
Friday Grab Bag time!
Thanks, as always, to everyone for your questions! You can submit any questions relating to current development plans, to request clarification on basic game mechanic questions, or questions on community issues through the Grab Bag Submission form. For any other feedback or suggestions please use our feedback form.
Questions are below! :)