Returning Players Guide
So you've just come back to Camelot!? Gotten your account back up and running? Great! Now what do you do in-game first? This page has a brief overview of what's changed and some quick tips on how to make your return a success!

There are 10 Ywain servers, and 1 Co-op server, Gaheris.
Gaheris is Co-op PvE, where all 3 realms can play together.
The Ywain server is clustered and made up of 10 Ywain# servers (Ywain1-Ywain10). However, it is similar to a normal server in that there is only 1 version of each zone for all areas on the server. In other words, the RvR, ToA, Mainlands, SI, etc. zones are shared across all Ywain#s, meaning you'll be fighting and interacting with players from Ywain2 even if your character is located on Ywain5!
The only exception to this is the housing areas, which are separated into 10 versions. There are also unique character lobbies for each of the 10 Ywain#s. The extra Ywains allow for plenty of room for all of your characters to be transferred over from the Archived Servers and for your house. Locating a house lot on Ywain 1-3 can be difficult due to the popularity of these servers, so if you want a house, or guild house, transfer your characters to a higher Ywain server.
You can find a video on transferring your characters from archived servers to live on our How-To Videos page.

Returning characters who meet the below requirements will be offered the quest, ‘[Returning Player] King’s Treasury’. If you're returning to the game after some time away, and your characters are on archived servers you’ll be teleported to the throne room after you have successfully transferred your character over to the Ywain or Gaheris server. You can decline this quest and see the King in your realm's capital city to get it again anytime.
Level 50 characters that haven’t logged in within the past 6 months to 2 years will receive the following, un-tradable rewards:
- Adept’s Bounty Scroll – Gives the user 2,500 bounty points
- Adept’s Greater Insight Scroll – Gives a big chunk of Champion Level experience
- Atlantean Glass pack – worth 1,000 Atlantean glass
- Shiny Daemon Blood seal – worth 5 Daemon Blood seals
- A Draught of Heroism, a Draught of Omni-healing, and a Draught of Omni-regen
- A full set of King’s armor, Exemplar weapon and jewelry that gets their character quickly in range of a competitive set of gear.
Level 50 characters that haven’t logged in within the past 2 to 5 years will receive the following, un-tradable rewards:
- Veteran’s Bounty Scroll – Gives the user 8,000 bounty points
- Veteran’s Greater Insight Scroll – Gives a huge chunk of Champion Level experience
- Atlantean Glass Pack – worth 1,000 Atlantean glass
- Fiery Daemon Blood seal – worth 25 Daemon Blood seals
- Iterare Stone Cache – 5 full skill respec stones
- Induco Stone Cache – 5 realm ability respec stones
- King’s Star of Destiny – 1 Master Level respec stone
- A Draught of Supremacy, a Draught of Omni-healing, and a Draught of Omni-regen
- A full set of King’s armor, Exemplar weapon and jewelry that gets their character quickly in range of a competitive set of gear.
Level 50 characters that haven’t logged in within the past 5+ years will receive the following, un-tradable rewards:
- Elder’s Bounty Scroll – Gives the user 16,000 bounty points
- Elder’s Greater Insight Scroll – Gives an enormous chunk of Champion Level experience
- Atlantean Glass Trove – worth 10,000 Atlantean glass
- Champion Daemon Blood seal – worth 50 Daemon Blood seals
- Iterare Stone Cache – 5 full skill respec stones
- Induco Stone Cache – 5 realm ability respec stones
- King’s Star of Destiny – 1 Master Level respec stone
- A Draught of Supremacy, 2 Draughts of Omni-healing, and 2 Draughts of Omni-regen
- A full set of King’s armor, Exemplar weapon and jewelry that gets their character quickly in range of a competitive set of gear.
This quest line will both directly reward returning characters as well as guide them to some of the new content that will help them get back up to speed.

Patches leading up to, and including, version 1.124 contained additions to the game which required updates to the UI. If you used a custom UI previously, you'll need to make sure it's updated for Patch 1.124 or you may have issues logging in, speaking with your trainer, porting between keeps, and relic towns.
The most important changes include:- Supply Chain keep porting changes.
- New Ellan Vannin map with portable center keep (if realm owned).
- New ruined areas locations on maps.
- New trainer window.

We introduced a new currency called Atlantean Glass (referred to by players as just 'glass'), in a previous patch which allows players to buy artifacts, scrolls, and master levels direct from NPC's in the Ruinerar Atlantis hall in Oceanus. It takes about 30k glass/Bounty Points ('bps') to purchase ML1-10 complete.
Glass can be obtained through:
- Killing purple con monsters in the ToA areas.
- Buying from other players through Market Explorers in Housing.
- Completing the various glass quests found throughout ToA.
We also added the ability to buy artifacts, scrolls, and master levels using bps obtained through RvR. These merchants are also found in the Ruinerar Atlantis hall in Oceanus.
To purchase Master Levels
First make sure you've spoken with the Arbiter in the Ruinerar Atlantis hall to 'embark on the path of the master.' Remember! There are ML requirements per Battleground, for example ML5 for Cathal Valley (45-49BG). If you go over ML5, you will not be able to enter the BG. Please note NPC names are colored by realm where names are different per realm i.e. red for Albion's NPC, green for Hibernia's NPC, and blue for Midgard's NPC.
- Speak with Scholar Caradoc/Sage Gilda/Loremaster Alfr to buy Master Level Credit tokens with glass.
- Speak with Demyphon to buy Master Level Credit tokens with bps.
- Hand tokens to the Sphinx named Demyphon to receive credit.
- Speak with the Arbiter to train Master Levels
To purchase Artifacts and Scrolls
A previous patch introduced the option of completing the original Artifact encounter and receiving quest credit for the Artifact that when completed rewards you with a fully leveled version of the Artifact. Alternatively, you can use glass and bps to buy the Artifact and scrolls, but they then must be leveled to 10.
- Speak with Scholar Eurwen/Sage Cethin/Loremaster Eitri to buy Artifact tokens with glass.
- Speak with Scholar Iolo or Scholar Betrys/Sage Morcant or Sage Tegan/Loremistress Saga or Loremistress Urdr to buy Artifact scrolls with glass.
- Speak with the Sphinx Aphaestia to buy Artifact tokens with bps.
- Speak with the Sphinx named Mnosus or Zosyne to buy Artifact scrolls with bps.
- Hand tokens to the Sphinx named Aphaestia to receive credit.
- Speak with the Scholar/Sage/Loremaster or Loremistress in the Ruinerar hall from the area the Artifact mob resides, e.g. Loremaster Jorian [Oceanus Affairs], and hand them the scrolls to receive a level 0 Artifact you can now equip.

If you're worrying about your template and out of date armor, there is a solution to get you started until you work up enough items and plat to create a new template for your characters!
Visit the King's throne room in the capital cities and collect free epic armor, weapons, and jewelry. These items are only for level 50 toons and are viable for RvR and PvE. With Patch 1.122a, new Illustrious items were added to aid iin capping stats for your chracter. These are purchasable with Bounty Points (bps) in the King's throne room.

The frontier map and landscape received some changes and updates in previous patches, including new quests to help obtain Bounty Points, Ruined Areas, and the revamped island of Agramon now called Ellan Vannin.
Map and Keeps
Ruined town areas have been added to each realm's frontier to incentivise the solo playstyle. These areas contain an objective known as Buggane's Obelisk that grants the player an RP bonus, and the ability to telepoprt between these areas once activated. This buff can only be obtained by ungrouped players and only at these locations: Folley Lake near Berkstead, Moydruim Castle near Bolg, and Trellebourg Fortress near Blendrake. Once a player with this buff joins a group, the buff is removed.
The number of towers in the frontier has also been reduced and some relocated.
Caer Hurbury, Caer Renaris, Dun Ailinne, Dun Scathaig, Fensalir Faste, and Arvakr Faste towers have been reduced to 2.
Glenlock Faste, Blendrake Faste, Hlidskialf Faste, Dun nGed, Dun Bolg, Dun da Behnn, Caer Boldiam, Caer Sursbrooke, and Caer Erasleigh towers have been reduced to 3.
Caer Benowyc, Bledmeer Faste, and Dun Cruachon towers have been reduced to 2.
Ellan Vannin
The previously named island of Agramon has received a large revamp and is now known as Ellan Vannin. This new island has large open areas, one milegate per realm, 2 large captureable docks, Buggane's Obelisk (captureable RP bonus, rotates through the frontiers during the day), and a new central keep.
Porting Change
The Relic Towns by the strength relics of each realm are now the base location where players appear after zoning into the frontiers. These towns have trainers, buffing NPC's, merchants, and a portal pad that ports players to a safe port zone on Ellan Vannin. This portal pad port timer slows down based on the number of keeps a realm owns, and does not port if any of the following keeps are under enemy control: Dun Ailinne, Dun Scathaig, Caer Renaris, Caer Hurbury, Fensalir Faste, and Arvakr Faste.
Bounty Point Quests

This quest rewards generous amounts of Champion Level XP and Bounty Points, plus Dopple shards (see section on Dopplegangers).

Doppleganger mobs have been added across the frontiers and drop 'shards' that, when combined, award the player with an item (weapons, armor, etc). Dopplegangers also reward realm points.
Dopplegangers drop shards relating to the realm's frontier they were found on, i.e. Dopplegangers killed in Pennine Mountains drop Albion shards. Players can /use these items to open them, and combine 3 to create an item. You need one from each realm for each item.

Horse speed was increased to speed 5 while using a mount with all barding and armor applied. Various levels of barding and armor are available at different Champion Levels, with the highest being speed 5 (204% normal speed).
Mounts cannot dive, and shape shifted players cannot call their mounts.

Champion Levels have been increased to level 15.
New weapons and items were added to Darkness Falls in a revamp to the encounters and items in the dungeon. These weapons and items can only be bought with a new seal currency (Blood Daemon Seals, tradeable, acquired through completing the DF quests), and while you can equip and use the items and armor regardless of CL, you must be CL15 to equip the weapons.

The Otherworld Campaign is a PvE campaign for level 50s added previously. These quests start in the Throne room of each realm and contain 10 chapters. Obtain new jewellery and armor throughout this campaign, collect plant Essenses to craft new potions (including full buff Supremacy Pots), and Ore to craft new legendary weapons also added with this campaign.
A full walkthrough of each chapter is available on our Otherworld Campaign Guide.
A Dragon's Curse Campaign is a PvE campaign for level 50's added throughout 2017. This campaign starts in the capital cities and advances through dungeons located in the dragon areas. Defeat encounters aimed at various sizes, including a solo instance chapter, to receive aurulite, weapons, and armor.
A list of Curse Campaign quests can be found here.

Along with glass and Bounty Points being used as currency (see ToA section above), we also added SI and Dragon currencies.
Dragon currency in the form of Dragon Scales can be used to buy items that drop from the dragons in each realm. Some higher level ToA monsters can also drop scales, i.e. ML10's Draco.
Monsters in the SI dungeons of each realm drop their own form of currency. Caer Sidi monsters drop Souls, Galladoria monsters drop Roots, and Tuscaran Glacier monsters drop Ice. These currencies can be used to buy items that drop in their respective dungeon.
Merchant NPC's for these items can be found in the capital cities.
Higher tier monsters in the Darkness Falls dungeon (Lords, Princes, Legion) drop Deamon Blood Seals. These seals can be used at the Blood Seal Imp in Darkness Falls to obtain high end items such as CL15 weapons, armor, and jewelery.
But if you find yourself confused or having more of one currency and short on another, there are Currency Exchange NPC's in the capital cities which will convert some currencies to others, for a fee.