• Prove yourself against the newest threat to the realms and unlock new stat caps for your character by earning new item rewards!• Collect brand new specialty crafting components for new potions and improved legendary weapons!
• Conquer the ghost of King Uther in Albion, the Jotunn Ymir in Midgard, and the Siabra-Queen Cliodna in Hibernia and help your realm win the war in the Frontiers!
MMORPG.com has an exclusive first look into the new Otherworlds Campaign including video footage and an interview that delves into the details!
Albion: Chamberlain Harlen in the Throne Room
Midgard: Athr Hasetti Theyr in the Throne Room
Hibernia: Seneschal Desmond in the Throne Room
Or, if you've already completed the encounter in Lyonesse, Vanern Swamp, or the Bog of Cullen you can head straight to the following NPCS:
Albion: Lieutenant Haley in Lyonesse
Midgard: Arin Snowtouch in Vanern Swamp
Hibernia: Nara Manastrong in Bog of Cullen