
Agramon Event and Hot Fix Notes

Posted by Development | 2014 May 22 13:49 -0400 GMT
Update: The Event and Hot Fix Notes are now live!

Greetings friends!

Our response to your New Frontiers Revamp feedback continues apace. While we still have several ideas and fixes brewing, some are ready-to-go! We wanted to get these out to you as soon as possible, so...

Inside the Grab Bag's Studio

Posted by Community | 2014 May 16 17:23 -0400 GMT

My noble friends and realm mates:

Sir Grabford Bagsworth here with a special treat for you! This week’s Grab Bag will be an interview with a most popular, sophisticated, and impressive gentleman.  ME!  I’ve locked myself in a tower, the table is set, I look dashing, the wine is flowing, and I will be conversing with a mirror.

I had best begin – Carol is attempting to siege down the door and yelling something about me being "intoxicated" and "crazy".

‘Sorry Carol, maybe if you spent less time stalking players and more time leveling Bruiser you wouldn’t have had your Grab Bag stolen!’

Ahem. Pardon the interruption. Click the ‘More’ link to read my interview! 

More Hotfixes!

Posted by Community | 2014 May 08 14:46 -0400 GMT
The following hotfixes are now live:
  • Fixed an issue which was preventing specialty ammunition from being used in all siege weapons
  • Fixed an issue which was preventing the Portal Ceremony from firing at the appropriate intervals
  • Reduced the agro range for Pict mobs on Ruined Keep roofs

Bonus Weekend!

Posted by Community | 2014 May 08 12:03 -0400 GMT

Starting today, Thursday May 8th and ending Monday, May 12th the following bonuses will be on live servers:

On Ywain:

100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
100% bonus to normal BP in all NF zones.
25% bonus to RP in all NF zones (including Darkness Falls and The Labyrinth)

On Gaheris:

100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
100% bonus to normal BP gain in the capital cities.
100% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.

Click the 'More' link to see the additional bonuses!


Posted by Community | 2014 May 06 19:28 -0400 GMT

The following changes have been hotfixed on live servers (click the ‘More’ link for full notes!):

Porting Changes

  • The Portal Ceremony on the PvE side of Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Druim Ligen has been removed.
  • The Portal Ceremony in the Frontiers will now teleport players to their Realm’s Portal Keep every 10 seconds.
  • The Portal Ceremony timer is now increased by 60s for every keep lost by the home realm. This means if a home realm loses the center keep and both coastal keeps, the ceremony will be 3:10 minutes.
  • A Realm must own their center island keep (Caer Boldiam, Glenlock Faste, and Dun nGed) in order to port to any captured keeps in enemy Realms.

Click the ‘More’ link to read on!

Account Center Issues

Posted by Community | 2014 May 03 15:29 -0400 GMT
Update 4:00PM: The Account Center is back online! 

The Dark Age of Camelot Account Center is currently experiencing some technical issues. We are working to restore the Account Center as quickly as possible. 

We will provide an update when the issue has been resolved.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Welcome to the New - New Frontiers!!

Posted by Community | 2014 Apr 29 15:02 -0400 GMT
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the next step in the evolutions of Dark Age of Camelot's Frontiers!

As you make your way onto the server and into the various areas in the game that have undergone recent changes, please remember a few important things:

  • The Portal Ceremony is now active on the PvE side of the Primary Borderkeeps (Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Druim Ligen). Standing on the Portal Pad will get you teleported to your Realm's Portal Keep - so if you do not intend to teleport, please be mindful of where you stand!

Please click the 'More' link to read on!

Killaloe Event Ends - The Rites of Spring Begins!

Posted by Community | 2014 Apr 21 11:52 -0400 GMT

The forces of Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia have driven the springtime menace from the Battleground at Killaloe! The elusive bunny made its escape and has found its way to Agramon in the New Frontiers.Click the 'More' link to find out more about the Rites of Spring!

The Harbinger of Spring Invades Killaloe!

Posted by Community | 2014 Apr 17 14:39 -0400 GMT

Springtime is here again, and with the warmth and renewed bloom of the landscape an ancient menace returns!
The deceptively cuddly Harbinger of Spring has found its way into the Battleground of Killaloe. It has devoured the Keep Lord of Dun Killaloe and has taken up residence there awaiting fresh prey. The Kings of the Realms have placed a bounty on this beast, and have dispatched Channelers to the Borderkeeps of Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Druim Ligen to offer passage to any that wish to drive this menace out of Killaloe and collect the new and unique reward!
Click ‘More’ for additional information!

We'd Like Your Vote!

Posted by Community | 2014 Apr 16 16:35 -0400 GMT

Would you like to see Dark Age of Camelot available on Steam? 

It just so happens that you can help make it happen! Please click the link below, log in with your Steam account, and vote YES! Your vote counts, and we would be most grateful for it!

A big "THANK YOU" from the folks at Broadsword, and we'll see you in the Frontiers!
