Based on feedback we've received since the 1.126 patch, the Dynamic Population Bonus feature is active once again!
As a refresher, here's how the system works:

As a refresher, here's how the system works:
Dynamic Population Bonus
- This system will reward underpopulated realms with bonus realm points to help offset and stabilize population imbalances.
- The current bonus status will be displayed to players when viewing the realm selection screen and in-game on the /realmwar 'bonuses' window.

- The dynamic population bonus is re-calculated every 15 minutes and only calculates based on the number of players within the New Frontiers region.
The bonus amounts are as follows:
- 81-90% population of most populated realm: +10% RPs
- 71-80% population of most populated realm: +25% RPs
- 61-70% population of most populated realm: +40% RPs
- 51-60% population of most populated realm: +55% RPs
- 41-50% population of most populated realm: +70% RPs
- 31-40% population of most populated realm: +85% RPs
- 0-30% population of the most populated realm: +100% RPs
- These bonuses will stack with all other bonuses!