Posted by Community | 2019 Apr 12 10:30 -0400 GMT
Time for another Grab Bag!
Remember to check out patch 1.125D which is now on Pendragon! And don't forget, you can stay up to date on the reports and progress of bugs on our official DAoC Bug tracker!
As always, thanks everyone for your questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Now on to the questions!
Posted by Community | 2019 Mar 29 10:54 -0400 GMT
Welcome to this week's Grab Bag! Our March newsletter is due out any time now, so make sure you've signed up to get the newsletter in your inbox as soon as it's out :)
And don't forget to stay up to date on the reports and progress of bugs on our official DAoC Bug tracker!
As always, thanks everyone for your questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Read on for the questions!
Posted by Community | 2019 Mar 15 15:06 -0400 GMT
TGITGB! Starting this week's Grab Bag with some exciting news!
We're very pleased and excited to announce our official DAoC Bug tracker! This tracker will keep everyone up to date on the status of bugs and issues reported by you, our community, through ingame reports, the official forums, and our official Discord.
Please read the About this Board section on the tracker itself for more information! We're very much looking forward to the expansion this will bring to our interaction and for our community :)
As always, thanks everyone for your questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
On to the questions!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2019 Mar 14 10:32 -0400 GMT
Are you feeling lucky?
You must be because today is your lucky day!
We're happy to announce our St. Patrick's Day event, the return of the Traveling Merchants, and the newly available Beast Mask!
In celebration of St. Patrick's Day and running from now until Tuesday, March 19th, our 'Leprechaun Treasure' quest is on!
Follow the notes below for full event and quest information!
Traveling Merchants will be available from today, March 14th, until Tuesday, April 2nd so get their wares while you can at the following locations:
Albion: just outside Castle Sauvage
Midgard: just outside Svasud Faste
Hibernia: just outside Drium Ligen
Beast Mask helm patterns are now for sale on the Mithril Merchant found in each realm’s capital city.
Posted by Community | 2019 Mar 01 14:46 -0500 GMT
Back to our regular style Grab Bags! :) Also, March?! Already!?
Our February newsletter went out yesterday, and can be viewed it in your browser here. Or to get it as soon as we hit that send key, sign up!
As always, thanks everyone for your questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Read on for the questions!
Posted by Community | 2019 Feb 15 15:29 -0500 GMT
Time for another edition of the Grab Bag!
This Grab Bag we've taken some of the hot topics discussed many times on our official forums as our "questions" for this week. While we still have much, much more to say on these topics, we felt, just as much as you asked, that some info was needed right now. For those who sent in specific Grab Bag questions, don't worry we'll return to those soon :)
You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Read on for the updates disguised as questions!
Posted by Community | 2019 Feb 01 14:46 -0500 GMT
Welcome to the first Grab bag of 2019!
Our first newsletter of the year went out yesterday, and you can view it here. Don't forget to sign up to get our newsletter in your inbox as soon as it's released!
As always, thanks everyone for your questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions. Feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Click more for the questions!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2019 Jan 31 08:36 -0500 GMT
Update: Maintenance complete! The Account Center is back online.
The Account Center will be down today, Thursday, January 31st for maintenance.
Downtime is estimated to last until 12:30 PM EST / 5:30 PM GMT. Please note that there may be issues signing-in to the Official Forums for the duration of this downtime.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Posted by Community | 2018 Dec 14 15:38 -0500 GMT
Welcome to the last Grab Bag of the year (awww), but fear not, the Bag of Grabs will return late January (yay!) :)
Don't forget about our special end of year giveaway streams! Saturday, December 15th at 5:30PM EST/10:30PM GMT and Wednesday, December 19th at 2:30PM EST/7:30PM GMT on our official Twitch channel! Mithril and race/gender/name respecs up for grabs! Read all the details on our officials forums here.
As always, thanks everyone for your questions, keep 'em coming so we've a plethora for the new year! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game mechanic questions, feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
On to the questions!
Posted by Community | 2018 Nov 30 10:01 -0500 GMT
Welcome to this week's Grab Bag!
Our newsletter goes out later today, so make sure you are signed up to get all the updates on events, community news, and more!
As always, thanks everyone for your questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in any game related questions you have for our DAoC Devs through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game questions, feedback/ideas/suggestions should be sent in through our feedback form.
Read on for glory!