Guild Guide: Social Interface
Social Interface and News System
The social interface is a system designed specifically to provide players with vital information about their guilds, alliances, realms, realm mates and realm news events - all provided at the touch of a button and with the use of an intuitive new "Social" window.
- Players can bring up the Social Window by typing the command /social or by using the "Social" button on the player stat sheet.
- All players may use the social interface. However, use of the guild command buttons (such as promote and demote) still require permission from the rank 0 guild leader. If a player has permission, the buttons will be available. If a player does not have permission, the buttons will be grayed out.
- The social interface contains five tabs: News, Guild, Alliance, Friends and LFGuild. The first tab, News, displays all relevant realm news - Realm Vs. Realm Global, Realm Vs. Realm Local and Player Vs. Enemy. The second tab, Guild, displays all guild members. The third tab, Alliance, displays all alliance members. The fourth tab, Friends, displays all friends from the /friends list. And the fifth tab, LFGuild, displays all currently online players who have flagged themselves as looking for a guild to join. All tabs are explained in more detail in the following sections.
- The Guild and LFGuild tabs will be hidden if you're not in a guild. The Alliance tab will be hidden if you're not in an alliance.
- News Tab: The news tab contains three categories of events - Realm Vs. Realm Global, Realm Vs. Realm Local and Player Vs. Enemy. Realm Vs. Realm Global news lists any realm activity pertaining to the capture and release of keeps and towers; Realm Vs. Realm Local news lists the last five players to have achieved new realm ranks; and Player Vs. Enemy lists the last five players to have achieved level 50 or to have achieved 1000 skill in a tradeskill. The Player Vs. Enemy portion will also list the names of battlegroup leaders, as well as the number of participants in the battlegroup, when one of the following monsters is killed by the battlegroup: Gjalpinulva, Golestandt, Cuuldurach the Glimmer King, Olcasgean, Apocalypse and King Tuscar.
- Guild Tab: The guild tab lists all players in a guild, as well as provides added functionality to guild members. Use of this tab allows the player to sort through all guild members, whether online or not, by level, class, rank, group, zone/last online or by any notes attached to the players listed. (NOTE: Players who are /anon or haven't been logged in for 30+ days will not show up in the guild window.) This tab contains a "Note" button, which allows the player to place upon himself (or upon others if the player is a guild leader with permission) a special instruction. For example, if Joe goes on a dragon raid, he may wish to place upon himself a note that says "On dragon raid. Meet at Cornwall or send for more information." (Note that for longer notes, the player will not see the entire message in the window, but mousing over the note will display the entire note in a tooltip.) To grant a member of the guild permission to use notes, the command is: "/gc edit note ". The guild tab also houses the new guild banner purchase interface, which is explained in the "Guild Banner System" section below.
- Alliance Tab: The Alliance tab lists all players in an alliance. Use of this tab allows the player to sort through all alliance members, whether online or not, by level class, group, zone/last online or by the guild the player is in.
- Friends Tab: The Friends tab lists all players who are flagged as friends.
- LFGuild Tab: The LFGuild tab lists all players in the realm who are currently online and who have used the /lfguild command to flag themselves as looking for a guild. (Note: The LFGuild tab is viewable on the social window only if you have invite privileges for your guild.)
- (Gaheris Only) News events from all realms will display on the news page.
- (Mordred Only) The news tab will not be available on Mordred.