- Realm Point, experience, and crafting bonuses are now live!
- Bounty points are yours if you can once more assist the surly Festival Steward and the friendly Cargomaster!
- The Frozen Medal of Honor and Frozen Cloaks of Midwinter are once again available!
- Battleground Presents are there to be gathered!
- The Frozen Cavern instance makes its return!
- The Twelve Days of Midwinter gifts are being wrapped!
The Midwinter celebrations will start today and run until January 14th, 2019.
The 12 days of Midwinter event will begin on Friday, December 21st!
Read on for more details!
Realm Bonuses
On Ywain:
50% bonus to RP gain from RvR kills
This will display as "+75% to all realm points gained from RvR" in your /bonuses window. The default value is +25%.
This bonus applies to all RvR zones, including battlegrounds.
50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isles zones and dungeons
On Gaheris:
50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isles zones and dungeons
50% bonus to normal BP gain in the capital cities
50% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Midwinter Festival Event
The days grow short, a chill is in the air, and warm fires glow in our homes. The Midwinter Festival has come once again to the Realms! Visit the festival grounds to take part in the festivities and challenges.
Two new repeatable quests are now available to level 50 characters for the duration of the event:
- Visit the Festival Steward in each realm's relic town to obtain the repeatable '[Midwinter] [Daily] Swamp Goodies' quest!
- Visit your realm's Cargomaster at the Caer Benowyc, Bledmeer Faste, or Druim Ligen docks to obtain the repeatable '[Midwinter] Roll On' quest!
- Bounty points await those who can complete their tasks!

- Olibar's Gift Retrieval quests can now be done a total of 40 times per character, per year.
In Albion, Clara sets up a giant tree at the festival tents. Speak with her for information on obtaining an appropriately-sized one for your own home or yard. Nearby, Sister Samantha is collecting toys for the children of Albion. She offers some fine holiday greenery as a reward to those generous souls who answer her call.
In Midgard, Kevin somehow manages to decorate a tree all for himself. Ask him about it and he may give you a few pointers regarding your own arboreal home decorating. The Gythja of Frigg is taking donations of toys from passers-by and granting them wreaths and garlands in return.

In Hibernia, the rather small elf Noelle brings her tree to the festival grounds. She will help you start your own holiday tradition if you want one of your own. Matron Elleweh is looking for assistance in gathering gifts for the children of Hibernia, with a promise of some festive decorations in return.

The Trinkets for Tots quest is available for all levels.
The Midwinter Tree quests start at level 35, however rumor has it that there may be a more advanced challenge to follow for those of level 48 and up.
Frozen Cavern Event
- Venture to the Frozen Cavern and test yourself against the chill... and its cunning inhabitant: Jack Frost!
Visit Njord in the following locations to enter the instance of your choice:
- Albion: near Merlin's Tower in Camelot
- Midgard: near the Burial Grounds in Jordheim
- Hibernia: near the Chamber of Magic in Tir na Nog
Two modes exist for this instance: Normal and Challenging
The Normal mode has a chance to drop 1 of the following rewards:
- Frozen chestpieces
- Frozen and other mythirians
- Infernal sleeves
- Darkness Falls jewelry
- Supremacy, celerity, or omni-regen potions
The Challenging mode has a chance to drop 1 of the following rewards:
- Frozen weapons
- Frozen chestpieces
- Frozen mythirians only
- Darkness Falls jewelry
- Supremacy, celerity, or omni-regen potions
- In addition to having a chance at the weapons, the chance at the mythirians and darkness falls jewelry is much higher. The chestpiece chance is the same in both modes.
The Normal mode has a chance to drop 1 of the following rewards:
Loot no longer drops directly from Jack Frost, instead a loot chest is spawned when he is defeated.
- Players can interact with the chest and receive 1 guaranteed reward per day but can still participate in the instance as many times as desired.
- This chest will despawn after 20 seconds, so be sure to grab your loot quickly!
- Only non-trial accounts can interact with the chest.
Twelve Days of Midwinter
On the first day of Midwinter, Broadsword gave to me...
Login to the game and visit the following NPCs to receive a special reward each day!
- Albion: Santa Nicholas in Castle Sauvage
- Midgard: Kris Kringle in Svasud Faste
- Hibernia: Daidi na Nollag in Druim Ligen
Speak with the above NPCs to reveal your reward for each day.
- Each day's reward will be revealed around 5:30 AM EST / 10:30 AM GMT and last the remainder of that day.
If you miss a day, you will be able to catch up and receive the missed rewards by visiting the NPC on subsequent days.
This means if you simply login on the twelfth day, you'll receive all 12 rewards!
- Make sure you have room in your inventory!
This means if you simply login on the twelfth day, you'll receive all 12 rewards!
These rewards are limited to level 50, non-trial account characters and can only be obtained once per character.
- All rewards will be tradable.
- This event will run from Friday, December 21st, 2018 for the next twelve days, with the last day being January 1st, 2019!
Midwinter celebrations will start today and run until January 14th, 2019.
The 12 days of Midwinter event will begin on Friday, December 21st!
A Happy Midwinter to all from the Dark Age of Camelot team, and we’ll see you in the Frontiers!