We have quite a lot coming your way this Spring. Patch 1.127 is currently on track to be released within the next month or so and we have a brand new, long-term Doppelganger Invasion event launching today as well as the familiar preparations for Springtime to tide you over until and beyond the Patch's release.
We also have some juicy RvR bonuses and a much-requested hot fix note. Happy hunting and we'll see you in the frontiers!
Read on for the full details!
We also have some juicy RvR bonuses and a much-requested hot fix note. Happy hunting and we'll see you in the frontiers!
Read on for the full details!
Live Hot Fix Notes
- Elixir and Draughts of Conquest have had their cost reduced by 1/3 on the Mithril Shop!
- Doppelganger standard Realm Point and Bounty Point rewards are now affected by RP/BP bonuses.
Doppelganger Invasion Event
While each realm has been pre-occupied with attacking and defending each other, their attention has been away from other things, things more dark and sinister.
Taking advantage of the realms distraction, Doppelgangers have begun increasing their numbers, and their territory. Expeditions across the frontiers today report far more Doppelgangers throughout the mazes, while Breifine, Pennine Mountains, and Jamtland seem almost infested with them. One such expedition captured one of the Doppelgangers, perhaps a little too easily, did he give himself up? Not all Doppelgangers want to see the light of day.

A new daily group credit quest has been added to both Ywain and Gaheris servers requiring players to hunt down and cull the Doppelganger numbers for a reward of 10 Invader Seals.
- Doppelgangers have a small chance to drop additional Invader Seals regardless of the quest being active or not.
- Each character can only benefit from a max of 300 seals.
Doppelganger spawn rates have been increased at their existing locations and more locations have been added at each realm's maze and throughout Breifine, Pennine Mountains, and Jamtland Mountains.
- Doppelgangers now spawn on Gaheris for the duration of the event and will award the identical RP and BP amounts as they do on Ywain.
Rewards can be claimed at the Doppelganger Traitor at the strength relic town or in capital cities, and are unlocked at the following thresholds:
- 10 seals = 1 Elixir of Conquest
- 25 seals = 2 Elixirs of Conquest
- 75 seals = 1 25% Realm Point Bonus potion (3 charges)
- 125 seals = 1 Draught of Conquest
- 175 seals = 1 50% Realm Point Bonus potion (3 charges)
- 225 seals = 2 Draughts of Conquest
- 300 seals = 1 50% Realm Point Bonus potion (30 charges)
- All rewards and invader seals are no-trade, no-drop, no-destroy, and no-sell.
- Any invader seals on a character will be removed at the end of the event and cannot be transfered to other characters.
RvR Bonuses
The following bonuses are active for the duration of the event as well!
On Ywain:
- 50% bonus to RPs from kills
- 50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
On Gaheris:
- 50% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons.
- 50% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.
In each Capital City:
- 40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
- 20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
- 20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
- 10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Doppelganger event and bonuses will run until May 5th, 2020.
Springtime Preparations
The Festival Steward is getting an early start in her preparations for the Spring Festival!
Level 50s should visit the Festival Steward in each realm's relic town to obtain the repeatable quest '[Spring] Preparations'
- Earn bounty points for each completion!
- This quest is now active on Gaheris as well as Ywain!
- Preparations for the Spring Festival will last until April 9th, 2020!