Posted by John Thornhill | 2017 Apr 24 12:11 -0400 GMT
We are pleased to announce the latest Come Back to Camelot campaign details, including 30 FREE days!
With the Dragon's Curse campaign, Ghost Keep event, ruined keep changes, traveling merchants, bonuses, and so much more, there is tons going on in Dark Age of Camelot!
Check out the full details, including the upcoming patch 1.123 plans by clicking the image below!
The following bonuses and traveling merchants are available now until May 23rd.
Traveling Merchants
The traveling merchants have returned to their usual spots and are offering their excellent selection of wares to any and all! You might just find some Otherworldly items for sale...
Visit the following locations to stock up on the goods:
Albion: Outside Castle Sauvage
Midgard: Outside Svasud Faste
Hibernia: Outside Druim LIgen
On Ywain:
100% bonus to RP gain in all NF zones (including the Labyrinth)
100% bonus to RP gain in all battlegrounds
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isles zones and dungeons
50% bonus to normal BP in all NF zones
50% bonus to normal BP in all battlegrounds
On Gaheris:
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic and shrouded isles zones and dungeons
100% bonus to normal BP gain in the capital cities
100% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Posted by Community | 2017 Apr 21 14:47 -0400 GMT
Friday Grab Bag fun time is upon us. Take a min and enjoy this week's questions!
Don't forget you can send in your questions for the Grab Bagthrough our submission form here. Please note this is for game questions, feedback should be sent in through our feedback form.
On we go...
Posted by Community | 2017 Apr 07 14:16 -0400 GMT
It's Friday, and hopefully the weather is looking up for the weekend's activities..yay.
Thanks as always to everyone who sent in questions, keep 'em coming, we can take it! You can send in your questions through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game questions, feedback should be sent in through our feedback form.
Without further ado, this week's questions!
Posted by Community | 2017 Mar 24 14:53 -0400 GMT
TGIF...and time for another Grab Bag!
Thanks to everyone who sent in questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in your questions through our Grab Bag submission form. Please note this is for game questions, feedback should be sent in through our feedback form.
Our newsletter also returned this week! If you aren't subscribed to receive our newsletters, sign up now! In the meantime, you can view the newsletter in your browser here.
Now, on to the questions!
Posted by Community | 2017 Mar 09 21:08 -0500 GMT
This week's Grab Bag is a right mix of questions, and a good read. So grab a cuppa and a minute, and read on!
Thanks to everyone who sent in questions, keep 'em coming! You can send in your questions through our Grab Bag submission form.
On to the info!
Posted by Community | 2017 Feb 24 12:12 -0500 GMT
The Grab Bag doth return!
Below we have 5 questions collected from the community by our Knights to get us started. If you want to send in your questions for a future Grab Bag, you can do so through our Grab Bag submission form!
Additionally, we have been blown away by the amount of responses to our playerbase survey. Thank you for the several thousand (OMG!) responses and for taking the time to give us such valuable feedback and insight. The survey is now CLOSED while we analyse and discuss the results internally. We will return with a follow up survey soon, so keep your eyes on the Herald!
Onto the questions!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2017 Feb 02 13:29 -0500 GMT
Class Changes
Creeping Mastery (Creeping specialization)
Shroom of Life has changed as follows:
Is no longer a ground target spell.
It is now single target. It still heals all allies around itself.
The pet is now level 50.
The pet is now immune to mesmerization effects (can be stunned, confused).
Spectral Guard (Spectral Force specialization)
A new pet summon spell has been added:
Level 50 – Sound Vortex – 1500 range – 10s cast – 20s duration – 4s frequency – 10m RUT – 25% power – Summons a vortex at the ground target location that fires sound waves for 300 damage to up to 8 targets within 1500 units of the vortex.
The Sound Vortex can be killed, stunned, or feared. It cannot be mezzed or confused.
There is a limit of 3 active vortexes allowed in an area.
Bainshees will need to respec to see this ability if they already have 50 Spectral Force specialization.
Bone Protection (Suppression specialization)
The low level disarm spells have been changed:
Level 1 – Punish Combatant:
RUT increased to 5 minutes, up from 60s.
Level 11 – Punish Assailant:
Duration reduced to 2s, down from 3s.
RUT increased to 5 minutes up from 60s.
Level 21 – Punish Aggressor
Duration reduced to 4s, down from 5s.
RUT increased to 3 minutes, up from 60s.
All other levels remain unchanged.
Bone Legion (Bone Army specialization)
Sub pets have changed as follows:
Fossil Defender
Now moves at normal movement speed.
Health increased by 15%.
Fossil Guardian
Defenses against all damage increased by 10%.
Health increased by 5%.
Now have a staff style:
Fossil Jump – Any – Reduces the target’s armor factor by 50 for 10s.
Provides a new additional buff to groupmates and pets:
Fossil Strength – Increases target’s Strength by 50. Does not replace more powerful spells. This spell is lost if the pet dies or is released.
Fossil Healer
Heal cast time increased by .2 seconds.
Damage taken increased by 50%.
Fossil Soldier
Overall damage reduced by 10%.
No longer have a double attack chance.
Now take maximum damage from melee attacks.
Styles have been readjusted as follows:
Fossil Cleave, anytime, no longer has an attack speed debuff.
Glacial Movement, side, snares target for 19s.
Raider, off evade (self), bleeds target for 20 damage every 4s for 20s.
No longer has any back positional styles.
No longer has any stun styles.
Fossil Seer
Disease cast time increased by .5 seconds.
Fossil Mystic
Damage on the snare nuke reduced by 10%.
Damage on the regular nuke reduced by 5%.
Spirit Animation (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Jade Simulacrum
Now moves at normal movement speed.
Sapphire Simulacrum
Now takes maximum damage from melee attacks.
Enchantments (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Underhill Compatriot
Now moves at normal movement speed.
Underhill Ally
Now takes maximum damage from melee attacks.
Heal cast time decreased by .2 seconds.
Underhill Stalker
Poison now changes depending on which Enchantment buff is active.
Enchanters must spec in Enchantments to gain access to certain poisons.
All poison debuffs last 15 seconds (does not include Lifebane).
No Enchantment – No poison.
Enchantment of Ice – Touch of Death.
Enchantment of Earth – Swordbreaker.
Enchantment of Fire – Lifebane.
Enchantment of Mana – Widow Venom.
Beastcraft specialization
The level 50 pet, Hunter’s Elder Avatar, has had its damage dealt reduced by 15%.
Holism (Mana specialization)
The AoE Damage over Time spells have been increased to match the Bonedancer and Necromancer:
Level 23 – Fog of Delirium – 30 damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds.
Level 29 – Hallucinatory Winds – 60 damage every 4 seconds for 20 seconds.
Level 36 – Torrent of Dementia – 88 damage every 4 second for 20 seconds.
Level 46 – Storms of Insanity – 131 damage every 2.5 seconds for 20 seconds.
All remaining lower versions remain unchanged.
Deathsight Baseline
Decrepit Form changes:
Melee attack speed reduced by 100% while in Decrepit Form.
Deathsight specialization
Channeled Frenzy (PBAoE), and all subsequent versions, now require Decrepit Form to be active.
The single target slow has changed as follows:
Range reduced to 1000.
Now requires Decrepit Form to be active.
The Level 2 version, Crippling Exhaustion, now has a RUT of 5 minutes.
Painworking Baseline
Chthonic Form changes:
Fixed a bug where ‘Chthonic Armor’ was not dropping upon shapeshifting, thus allowing Spirit and Decrepit forms to have over 400 additional armor factor.
Painworking specialization
Freezing Howl (AoE damage and slow), and all subsequent versions, now require Chthonic Form to be active.
The Level 7 version, Freezing Hold, does not require Chthonic Form (Chthonic Form is gained at level 8).
Summon Death Shredder (pet) now requires Chthonic Form to be active.
You may exit Chthonic Form once it is used and retain the Death Shredder for its duration.
Death Servant Baseline
Spirit Form changes:
Final Blast (bolt) now requires Spirit Form to be active.
Death Blast (bolt) now requires Spirit Form to be active.
Melee attack speed is reduced by 100% while in Spirit Form.
Pets have changed as follows:
Umbral Aegis
Now moves at normal movement speed.
Priest of Arawn
Now takes maximum damage from melee attacks.
Heal cast time decreased by .2 seconds.
Death Servant specialization
Arawn’s Legion has changed as follows:
All pets summoned by Arawn’s Legion now take 100% more damage from all sources.
The pet cap for ranged pets reduced to 8, down from 12.
Range reduced to 1500, down from 2000.
Knight of Arawn
Damage dealt reduced by 50%.
Health reduced by 5%.
Handmaiden of Lilith
Mage of Arawn
Health reduced by 75%.
Cast time increased by .5 seconds.
Tempter of Arawn
Summon Mastery (Summoning specialization)
Gates of Valhalla has changed as follows:
The Pets summoned by Gates of Valhalla now take 50% more damage from all sources.
The range of which the gates will spawn pets has increased to 1500, up from 750.
Duration reduced to 60 seconds, down from 2 minutes.
Pets have changed as follows:
Spirit Warrior
Now moves at normal movement speed.
Spirit Shaman
Now takes maximum damage from melee attacks.
Heal cast time decreased by .2 seconds.
Posted by Community | 2016 Dec 16 11:08 -0500 GMT
Our Knight Podcast last Sunday took a look back over the past year's changes as well as looked forward to what's coming in 2017.
Knights Luvly, Maceric, and Cyrric were joined by DAoC Producer John Thornhill during the podcast, which is now available on our official YouTube channel!
Watch it below!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Dec 14 19:21 -0500 GMT
In celebration of the Midwinter Festival, we have the following notes for you:
The Frozen Medal of Honor and Frozen Cloaks of Midwinter are once again available!
Battleground Presents are there to be gathered!
The Traveling Merchants have their winterly return to the realms!
A new challenging instance awaits those willing to brave the cold!
Midwinter will start today, December 14th, and will run until January 17th, 2017.
Read on for more details!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Nov 07 14:18 -0500 GMT
Update 6:40 PM / 11: 40 PM GMT: The Account Center Maintenance is complete. Thank you all for your patience and again we apologize for any inconvenience caused during the downtime.
The Dark Age of Camelot Account Center is coming down tomorrow, November 8th at 10 AM EST / 3 PM GMT for maintenance.
Downtime is not expected to be more than five hours. Thank you for your patience.